Below are some helpful Eastern Busway resources.
The Eastern Busway route - Pakūranga to Botany (detailed)
The Eastern Busway route - Pakūranga to Botany (simplified)
Pakūranga to Mattson Rd
Mattson Rd to Tī Rākau Bridge
Tī Rākau Drive to Botany
Eastern Busway - connecting East Auckland
Artist Impressions
Future Pakūranga area - view from above
Ra Hihi (flyover) above Reeves Road and Tī Rākau Drive
Te Taha Wai Station (near Edgewater)
Te Taha Wai Station (near Edgewater) - close up
Te Taha Wai Station (near Edgewater) - view from above
Tī Rākau Drive
Burswood area
Mahi toi (artwork)
The Eastern Busway Design Story - Mahi toi (artwork)
Traffic staging sequence during construction
Graphic showing the different stages of construction on Tī Rākau Drive
Facts about Rā Hihi (flyover)
Pakūranga's new connection
Construction timeline
Construction Timeline - Burswood (Chinese)
Construction Timeline - Burswood (English)
Facts to know during construction of the Eastern Busway
Your Guide to the Eastern Busway
Chinese (Simplified)
